In connection with the sanction towards citizens of the Russian Federation, #apple and many other mastodonts, more and more limit the capabilities of all iPhones in our country, and, as we know, #icloud does not allow you to use third-party software on the phone, only those that offers AppStore or iTunes. There is a way out - temporarily go to #android, because, as you know, on Android there is a lot of workarounds in order to play, watch, listen and enjoy all the joys of life.
But I am sure that most people will face that too much data is stored at the current phone: photo, video, contacts, chat rooms #whatsapp, not to mention tuned notes, alarms, calendars and other things. This problem also exists a modern solution - this is a free program for transferring a smartphone data - #wondershare Mobiletrans.
This program has a wide functionality in terms of the transfer of various kinds of information, simply speaking, you can transfer everything. All your smartphone can be copied and transferred to another, even chat rooms and contacts in WhatsApp, #viber and other not "account" messengers. The link to the program will be in the comments, go to the transfer.
The interface itself is most and understood as simple as possible, the functions are divided into three blocks: 1) transfer of these messengers, 2) transfer data to phone 3) backing up the smartphone data.
That is, the first unit is responsible for transferring chats, contacts and media from WhatsApp, Wa Business, Viber, Wechat and others.
The second block is responsible for transferring data from devices, for example, from a smartphone to a smartphone or from a smartphone to a computer and back.
The third block allows you to create a backup. This is a kind of, saving your data to a computer by copying information that can be transferred back to your or another smartphone.
We need a second block. We choose the largest "phone transfer" window.
Now we connect our smartphones. Connection procedure is not important, since there is a button "Change phones in places."
Connect both smartphones. Unfortunately, I have only two iPhones, but the essence of the same, all the actions are the same.
Now we need to choose the positions that we want to transfer. You can transfer everything, and you can, for example, only a photo. I will only endure the photo, choose and click "Start".
Next will go the process of transferring data.
I note that only 20 photos can be transferred in the trial version, but you can make a backup data for free and transfer them to another smartphone, and you can also transfer whatsapp chats.
In just a minute, the photos were transferred to a new smartphone, it remains only to confirm the transfer on smartphones and ready.
391 photos were transferred less than a minute. If the program attracted you, and you want to get the whole functionality, then the prices for it are quite democratic, even today.
If you need a full functionality, pay $ 40 and use all the functions of the program all year. If you need something specific, for example, transfer the worker WhatsApp to a new smartphone, pay $ 30 and also use the whole year. You can get an indefinite subscription.
Just $ 10 more expensive.
That is, for example, we want a permanent full functionality at a price of $ 50. We introduce the promotion and we get a discount of $ 10, paying only $ 40 or 4,600 rubles at the current course (according to an adequate rate - it is about 3,000 rubles). I note that the software program is constantly updated, improved, recently added the iTunes transfer function, and the transfer of all ICloud will be added soon.
And I remind you that the link to the program will be attached in the comments, download and try the trial version, if you like it, you can think about buying. If the article was useful, put "Like", subscribe to the channel. Good luck and all the best.