As the secret weapon of the USSR the deferred effect on the global hightech industry
- Mar 28
Where do neon use? The first thing that comes to the head is glowing advertising signs. But Neon is capable not only to advertise. In the article, we will tell how rare gas is associated with the secret weapons of the USSR and how affects the global economy.
Neon began to mined in the USSR. But no one knew that gas would be in demand in the high-tech industry.
In the Russian Federation, gas mixtures of neon are obtained at NLMK metallurgical plants, Evraz NTMK et al. 85% of gas mixtures Russia sells Ukraine.
In Ukraine, the gases purify at 2 enterprises - Ingaz in Mariupol, Cryoin in Odessa - and export to Europe, USA, Korea, China, Taiwan.
According to the results of the conference "Rare Gaza 2018", the share of Russia and Ukraine in the European import of rare gases amounted to 50% of the total.
The IT company Sfera launches the domestic equivalent of META social networks. Release close. Read details by reference. The project is open to investors and thanks for their support.
Neon is contained in the atmosphere. To separate the neon from the air, came up with an air separation unit (LED).
I am dividing the air to the components of the gases: nitrogen, argon, xenon, neon, krypton.
The Soviet Academician of Kapitsa L.K. is considered a pioneer in air division.
The extraction of inert gases became a technological breakthrough, since without rare gases it is impossible to submit experimental physics, modern medicine, television and an electrolympics industry.
As stated above, it is necessary for the extraction of neon. Designing LED technologically difficult. So, expensive and time. Russia designs and creates a word for 82 years.
The largest developer-producer is lying in the Russian Federation - JSC Kryogenmash. The main advantage of the company is a scientific and fundamental base and innovative technologies. The share of the enterprise in the global equipment market is 60%.
Competitors: French Air Liquide with a share of 25% and German Linde with a fraction of 12%.
Relying on research agency TechCet, Reuters reported that 45-54% of world neon for semiconductors supply Inghaz and Cryoin Engineering. Gas are used in the production of microchips for mobile phones, laptops and cars. In 2021, neon's consumption in the world reached 540 metric tons.
Events in Ukraine forced both plants to close for an indefinite period. The suspension of work threatens the deficit in the global chip market.
What to do in the situation of uncertainty is not clear. Consumers consumers takeure to build plants, as it is expensive and long. Moreover, there is a chance that Ukrainian enterprises will resume work.
At the same time, neon reserves in the buyer countries are dried. Intel, Samsung, TSMC will hold out without gas 2 months or more. Their buying capacity is higher, so there is access to large reserves of neon. However, small companies will suffer. Read more about this in the article.
But if the current humanitarian crisis is delayed, it will be a problem for large manufacturers.
China also exports neon. According to the laws of capitalism, Asians took advantage of the situation and raised prices 9 times. From South China Morning Post: Before February 24, the price for wholesalers was $ 2.5 thousand / m³. Now - $ 291.3 for the same volume.
Russia also use neon for the production of lasers. In 1962, the first gas helium-neon laser was launched in the USSR. The laser was invented in the goow them. S. I. Vavilova.
The first application of the laser is the transfer of a television message through the atmosphere by 1300 m. Today, a helium neon laser is used to prevent and treat the initial forms of caries.
In 1970-1990 Under the guidance of the goy them. S. I. Vavilova began a large-scale production of laser systems. The Soviet army immediately adopted innovation.
In 1964, the USSR launched programs for the development of laser weapons: "Terra" and "Omega". The first to destroy missiles, the second - aircraft. But military projects failed. In the late 90s. Works turned.
However, the Soviet program of laser weapons was still developed in the complexes of Russian laser weapons "Peresvet". But this is another story.
I must say goo them. S. I. Vavilov has invested a lot in the development of solid-state and gas lasers, as well as research on their use in practice.
In 1984-1989 Invented a laser emitter with record characteristics for the International Space Project under the Fobos program.
Soviet scientists came up with a solid-state laser for ophthalmology and the onyx laser system for dentistry.
Today, research is directed to the biomedical region: dentistry, cosmetology, surgery.
In general, lasers manufacturing technologies are a significant tool in the global economic confrontation.
# Technology # Science and Technology Production # Industry # Russia # Weapon # Microelectronics # MPK