Park Live Music Festival in Moscow in 2022 will not take place after cancellation in previous years.
Many foreign artists refused to perform at the event. It was decided to postpone the next year once again.
In the official message on the website of the festival says:
Some artists with whom agreements were previously concluded, still retained their desire to perform at the event in Moscow, but not earlier than 2023.
The festival was planned for June-July 2022. The program has been stated by Placebo, Iggy Pop, Franz Ferdinand, Green Day, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, Gorillaz, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Bullet for My Valentine.
Most of them in recent weeks reported the abolition of speeches in Moscow.
In 2020-2021 The festival was not carried out due to a pandemic.
The saved tickets to the festival will be valid in 2023. At the same time, everyone can request a refund, for which it is necessary to send a request to the place of purchase of tickets before the occurrence of 01.06.2022.
#parklive # concerts #music #limPBizKit #Placebo #FranzferdInand #GreenDay