Roskosmos joined Yaroslavl radio production to develop serial modules of promising satellites
- Mar 29
Internet and cellular communication - commonness for residents of Russian cities. However, the relationship is not available in the villages and the country's outskirts. Cell towers and Internet providers are concentrated in the European part of Russia. Residents of the distant corners of the Russian Federation are cut off from the outside world. But satellite communications can solve the problem. To cover large areas, it is required to run 200-300 satellites into space.
In 2019, the share of Russia for the production of spacecraft was 12%. However, electronic components in the devices are 90% foreign. RF share on launched satellites in the world - 2%. While the US share is 60%, the EU is 25%, China - 5% and Japan - 4%. Russian satellites are used to navigate and military purposes.
Probably, Roskosmos plans to increase power in the radio segment. On March 14, 2022, the State Corporation bought out shares of the Yaroslavl Radio Formation from AFC Sistema. This is the first such transaction since the creation of the state corporation.
The yar will launch the mass production of space radio electronics: communication repeaters, systems for tracking the location of ground, air and water bodies, multi-pass orbital groups.
Rogozin said in the telegram channel:
In Russia, a large-scale domestic IT project Sfera is preparing for release. To learn more, click on the link. The project is open to investors and thanks for support!
In 2018, Vladimir Putin announced the creation of the "Sphere" project. This is a satellite grouping to access the Internet. Objective - Affordable Internet for all Russians.
According to the Roskosmos program, it plans to launch a satellite into an near-earth orbit by 2030. These are serious volumes. But Rogozin is positive. March 4, 2021 he stated:
Perhaps "Roskosmos" with the help of an YARD will create a satellite system to launch the project "Sphere" and will provide the entire Internet.
The Yaroslavl plant was founded in 1915. Initially, the airplanes were planned here. But in the end, not a single airplane was not released.
Since 1918, the plant sells brake production in collaboration with the American Westinghouse Company.
In 1951, the company changes the profile. The plant produces a radio station for military aviation, Navy, TZU communications, emergency rescue radio stations, satellite communications and navigation. From civilian products - electro-playing devices (EPA).
Currently promising direction - satellite communications equipment.
The list does not end.
The plant has resources for serial production of space equipment. The quality and cost of products will be optimized due to digital technologies. Thanks to the plant, the RCC will refuse foreign components for satellite systems. It will strengthen the country's position in the cosmic race.
What do you think "Roskosmos" is gaining momentum? If the YARD attached to the implementation of the "Sphere" project, there are chances to compete with OneWeb and Starlink satellites.
In June 2021, Dmitry Rogozin voiced the project cost - 800 billion rubles. 500 billion - extrabudgetary funds. But because of the events in Ukraine, it will be difficult to find money. Canceled Running Russian missiles from a cosmodrome in French Guiana.
The Russian Federation also published from a joint project with the European Space Agency Exomars. This is a program for the launch of the Marshode on the Red Planet. Russia provided missile carriers to deliver the device.
Due to the continuation of the joint work of Russia and NASA on the ISS. Roscosmos earned the delivery and return to the land of American astronauts.
# Technology # science and technology # manufacturing # industry # Russia # space # microelectronics # rocket