The Turkish fast food network Chitir Chicken, with focus on chicken dishes, is trying to repel from McDonald's points in popular shopping centers of large cities of Russia.
In March, McDonald's restaurants network temporarily suspended the work of its restaurants in the Russian Federation. The decision was touched about 847 institutions throughout the country. At the same time, about 25 in Siberia and several points in Moscow continued to work, because Act on the basis of the franchise agreement and belong to the Russian owners.
They cannot affect them for them, although it is not clear how those points will receive ingredients and products, since McDonald's suspended business operations in Russia. Meanwhile, 62 thousand employees continue to receive a salary, and at the points of the network, as promised, volunteer centers will earn. Those who want to help will be rewarded with loyalty points for future dinners.
According to some unofficial forecasts, the network will return to work in Russia in 45 days, i.e. Somewhere to the May holidays. The Russian network brought McDonald's per year about 2% of sales, 9% of revenue and 3% - profits.
In Russia, they were already offered to replace McDonald's domestic Fast Food companies. In Moscow, 500 million rubles are distributed for this industry. new subsidies. There were assessments that all the activities of the Western network in Russia can be replaced in six months, because Most of the products were supplied from domestic enterprises. In the "Rospatent" even managed to submit applications for the McDonald's logo derivative for the "Uncle Vanya" brand.
Although the similar name and in Russia already exists, for example, the manufacturer of vegetable canned food. A resident of Moscow and at all submitted an application for registration of the name "McDonalds". All of them can be waiting for an attempt to register signs and names similar to the original to the degree of mixing.
Another problem that originated from the American network, locations in Russian shopping centers, especially in the cities of millions, incl. In St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Volgograd, Samara and Yekaterinburg. The shopping holders are looking for special conditions in contracts with McDonald's, on the basis of which they can select their locations in the restaurant courtyards and transfer to other tenants.
In the near future it is planned to start negotiations with McDonald's about whether it will return to work in the shopping center before the tenant can pick up the premises. Often in such contracts are specified by special conditions, where the shopping center can choose another tenant, if the current does not carry out activities, because Simple points and locations by shopping centers are most disaded as possible.
Those who wish to take these places have already appeared. In general, the operators of fast food networks from Turkey and Asia countries have become more actively looking at the Russian market. The Turkish company Chitir Chicken in the field of fast food will promptly operate the first 5-10 restaurants in Russia for a month with a gun just on the city millionth.
Chitir suggested the owners of the shopping center in these cities of the cooperation agreement and wishes to sign rental contracts. For 3-4 weeks, equipment will be imported and planned locations for the first network restaurants will be repaired.
The Union of Shopping Centers and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs appealed to the Ministry of Industry and Entrepreneurs on this background with a question about the possible state support for Chitir Chicken in Russia. These measures suggest preferential customs payments and loans, the allocation of grants.
The shopping centers do not exclude that if there is no activities, McDonald's premises for the needs of Chitir Chicken. Earlier, all that KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Burger King, were turned on, although it turned out that it was an incomplete part of Russian points under their brands.
At the same time, the Turkish network will have to compete with the KFC brand, which works with a similar menu, and its Russian restaurants are more than 90%, are controlled by domestic businessmen.
#McDonalds # McDonalds # Turkey # Fast Food #FastFood # Food Fillet # Chicken Grill # Restaurants