To create a list of elements as in a photo of special work is not required. I will not write a lot of water, proceed immediately.
Programming language - Java.
Create a new project.
In MainActivity.xml add RecyclerView
In, create a list with data and transmitting it to the adapter, which will be responsible for outputting data on the screen
Public Class MainActive Extends AppCompatactivity {ArrayList
// It was possible and not to create the ItemData class, but to transfer the data to immediately into the class of the adapter, but it is more convenient and less chances to make sure ItemData ItemData = New ItemData (); ItemData.SetName (Name); ItemData.SetMessage (Message); itemdata.setimage (image); DataArrayList.add (ItemData); }}
Public Class ItemData {String Message, Name; int image; Public String GetMessage () {Return Message; } Public Void SetMessage (String Message) {This.Message = Message; } Public String GetName () {Return Name; } Public Void SetName (String Name) { = name; } Public int GetImage () {return image; } Public Void Setimage (int image) {this.Image = image; }}
This will look like every individual element in RecyclerView
So that the photo was round in styls need to add