What is bootstrap and for which sites it is used
- Mar 11
Now it is often possible to hear that the site on bootstrap is created faster. Yes, and some developers indicate that they work with this thing. But what is it from the point of view of the Customer? If you want to order the development of the site, is it worth requesting a developer so that it certainly used this mysterious bootstrap, or not ...
This question is controversial, because the same tool may not come in handy everywhere. Therefore, let's deal with what this one needs.
When a site is created, regardless of its subject or size, the trigger operates at three directions at once - writes the page structure to HTML, adds styles for all items to CSS, and connects the functionality using the JavaScript scripts. All this must be done every time.
Bootstrap is a finished library, which contains typical blocks for the site, already spelled styles for different elements and even there are ready-made scripts. Such libraries are also called frameworks - there are many of them, and the bootstrap is just one of the most popular.
Using this library, the developer does not need to do many things from scratch. It just connects the framework files to the project, and receives a variety of finished tools from which it can create a page.
The bud already has solutions that allow you to quickly create navigation, including a working mobile menu, you can easily make sliders, goods cards, pop-up windows, and much more. The cameracher is only enough to insert a finished block into the project and set it up its appearance at your discretion.
Thanks to the rich functionality and the wide selection of ready-made elements of Bootstrap, has become the most famous and popular framework. It is based on a huge number of sites and templates for various CMS. Advantages:
This means that the creation of a page with the use of a framework requires less effort from the developer, and therefore this work is performed faster. If he did everything from scratch, he would have spent more time. And this factor is sometimes very important.
It would seem that the use of bootstrap has some advantages - you just need to connect it to the project and further development should be performed quickly and without any particular problems. Maybe this is the case, but still there are flaws in working with such libraries. This applies not only to bootstrap, but also many other similar frameworks. Minuses:
These disadvantages of bootstrap are the largest. There are some others, but they are not so important and more technical. The developers can somehow eliminate them, but because of this, not everyone loves to work with frameworks.
In principle, there are no strict restrictions that would prevent BOOTStRAP on any site. Only this choice is not always justified. After all, it is just a set of tools, and all the tools have their own purpose.
Boatstrap becomes a good alternative when developing lending. It is usually possible to create a little time - you need to start express sales or run advertising. And here it is useful, as it allows you to brack the page very quickly. And the speed of its download is not important, because in search engines it will not move anyway.
Bootstrap is also suitable for the layer of small sites or templates for CMS, in which the design based on a 12-column grid. There are so many such, and most of the infosites, blogs, business cards, corporate sites and others get here.
However, the bootstrap is unlikely to be useful if you need to implement some unusual design that does not fit into the grid. Or when the site loading speed is important - then the developer does everything itself, without the use of heavy frameworks.
Therefore, if you want to use this library for your site or similar, you should first estimate whether such an approach will make any advantages.