Igor Wallossek through the WCCFTECH.com portal stated that the AMD AdrenalIn video card software (version 22.3.1) changed the settings of the CPU users without their knowledge, it caused questions about transparency from AMD. Igor Wallossek from Igor's Lab has studied the AMD graphics processor software malfunction. There are rumors that the AMD Ryzen Master module allows the program to change the PBO processor and the Precision Boost configuration without the user's consent.
AMD Adrenalin software changes the processor settings without a user's knowledge, what causes questions about the confidence of consumers to the company?
REDDIT users commented on the published Igor Wallossek investigation, and it seems that the problem occurs when the AMD processor and the graphics processor are combined due to the equipment supporting the Ryzen Master SDK of the company. However, if the user combines the processor of one company, for example, the Intel processor and the AMD video card or vice versa, the problems will not arise. When the CPU and GP AMD are placed together in the system, the Adrenalin driver activates PBO or processor acceleration settings when assigning a GP profile. This problem also occurs with the default profile, which is initiated immediately.
The question remains why is this a problem for users?
Igor Wallossek noticed that power limitations and frequency of the acceleration of AMD Ryzen processor are adjusted at PBO stages. However, the effect of the CPU is unknown, is it connected with the default state or with users that manually configure their processor.
The Reddit Electrical-Bobcat435 user has detected a fix for the current software management:
AMD officially did not comment on the current manipulations with the software. If users need to return the processor to the initial state, there are several fixes. First, you can use the Radeon Software Slimmer to allow the software to remove the Ryzen Master SDK from Adrenalin, which will prevent any module to make adjustments yourself. Another option is to enter the BIOS in the system and manually re-enter the CPU settings or stop the PBO start if you use the default settings in your system. AMD does not control Radeon Slimmer software, as this is a third-party application, so the use of software in your system is associated with risk.
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