Barry Keogan from the films "Eternal" and "Batman" was arrested in Ireland for the use of smoking mixtures in the public.
He was noticed in such a state on the balcony and caused the police. Since the actor did not harm anyone, he was held in the plot until he comes to himself, and they were released. Vidimo, in the police Dublin did not look at the Belarusian film "Spays Boys", and that would not be so calm in Barry.
Yet the actor was discharged a fine for the inappropriate behavior. However, this is not the level of the ezra Miller.
We will remind, recently on vacation in Hawaii, Ezra committed several hooligan deeds, risking his future film players. According to some reports, now the actor rush is trying to pay off from all the victims so that they recall the complaint.
Film shooting is a big stress, the concentration of the workflow on a narrow time interval, attempts to dissolve in their own characters, lack of sleep and nerves.
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Some, especially, young artists of such a load are not kept, although so far Barry is easily separated.
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