New MARVEL film called "Dr. StrĂžndzh: Multi-Madness" is one of the main spring prime ministers. His plot will determine the further course of the development of the film MCU.
So far, the picture is preserved many secrets, incl. About secret kameo, where even Patrick Stewart is mentioned, and other features of the plot.
However, the creators gradually began to open the secrets of their creation, and the director Sam Raymi willingly tells at least about what has already lit in trailers and commercials.
And there it was possible to see evil versions of familiar good characters, including Dr. Strange himself performed by Benedict Cumberbet.
Raymi in a new interview confirmed that the film will show evil "variants" of famous heroes. After the events of the series "Loki" Marvel opened a multi-wavelength, allowing to appear on the screens by alternative versions of characters whom "options" were called.
In trailers, you could see and hints at the marvel zombie. It is possible that good heroes will have to settle disagreements and gather together to deal with their evil clones.
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Premiere in the world - 06.05.2022.
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