Information on the number of transistors and the size of the crystals of ACM graphic processors was not disclosed for all media. However, it seems that HardwareUnBoxed managed to get and confirm this information, which gives us the opportunity to compare figures with solutions of both Intel competitors.
According to their data, Intel ACM-G10 (previously called DG2-512EU) has a size of 406 mm² and has 21.7 billion transistors. Both values are greater than that of AMD Navi 22 and NVIDIA GA104, presumably the main competitors of this graphics processor ARC:
The density of transistors is higher than NVIDIA by 20% and 6% higher than that of AMD. However, all these graphics processors use different technological nodes, from 8 to 6 nm.
Intel has plans only on two alchemist graphics processors: ACM-G10 and ACM-G11. There were a potential leakage of 384eu called "G12", however, it seems, in the end, the company decided that he was not needed, and was not included in the mobile presentation.
A smaller graphics processor ARC has a crystal area of 157 mm² and 7.2-bit transistors. This is greater than that of the AMD Navi 24 graphics processor (also manufactured using the TSMC N6 process) with an area of 107 mm² and 5.4 bytes and NVIDIA GA107 (about 200 mm², but NVIDIA has never confirmed the size of the crystal or the number of transistors for this graphics processor ).
It has long been rumored that the large graphics processor Arc Alchemist will compete with the Radeon RX 6700 and GeForce RTX 3070 series, and, based on clean data, it seems plausible. Unfortunately, Intel has not yet provided any data on the performance of its ACM-G10 processor. This part should be launched with Mobile graphics processors ARC 5 and Arc 7 "at the beginning of summer" and desktop graphics processors "Summer".