Fans of the film "Spiderman: No way home" began to acquire the publication of the paintings on Blu-ray. However, instead of the promised advertising, remote scenes did not find anything on them.
Sony was in the center of the new scandal. Following the lack of reference to a spider person in the movie "Morbiius", which were advertised in the trailer, it turned out that the promised remote scenes for the painting "Spiderman: no way home" is not in her edition on Blu-ray, although many have previously waited for an announcement Episode with a walk of three actors - performers of the role of man-spider. As it turned out, in the UK and the United States there are no remote scenes on Blu-ray disks, despite their announcements right on the covers.
Only Walmart promises while some exclusive edition with them, although it can also have an old cover.
An interesting question is, for what purpose, the studio seized remote episodes, deciding to quite dangerous "fraudulent advertising".
10 minutes of remote scenes included episodes of Interrogation Scene Extended, Peter Day At Midtown High, Undercroft Montage, Happy's Very Good Lawyer, The Spideys Hang Out.
The only explanation is a possible reissue to hire in an extended version. This is quite likely, because literally few millions of dollars remained a film in order to beat the record of the "Avengers: Finals" fees in America. You can achieve them exclusively reissue to the rental, and the so-called "directorial version" will provide more demand.
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Still, the behavior of the studio is quite risky, because Buyers may well go to court and win compensation for deceived expectations, because remote scenes promised directly on the covers.
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