In Russia the largest producer of sodium sulfate producer is deprivatized Enterprise will be returned with Cyprus to Altai
- Apr 03
Kuchuchuchsulfate will return from Cyprus to Altai. This news has become shocking for the European Union countries. We'll figure out for the reasons that forced foreigners so promotion.
The enterprises of the enterprise are used in the manufacture of household chemicals, including detergents. The raw materials are also used in the textile industry, glass, non-ferrous metallurgy and other industries. There is no competitors from the plant-producer of sodium sulfate in Russia. He is the only one of its kind. Sulphate is based on sodium sulfate - Mirable, which is mined from the mineral salts of the Kuchuk Lake, a very rich pantry in Altai.
Surely the first work enterprises leading their history from the 60th year of the last century, and did not guessed that over time it will become the largest in Europe. The power of the plant is impressive: 800 thousand tons of sodium natural sulfate per year. Its large proportion was exported to Western countries. Procter & Gamble from the USA, British-Netherlands Unilever, British Reckitt, Henkel and glass manufacturers from Germany processed raw materials, and then implemented their products to almost around the world.
Thus, the Europeans closed their internal needs, and at the same time supplied the products of the former republics of the USSR, including Russia.
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According to this scenario, the situation arising in 1991 could develop further. After privatization, the company was re-registered in Cyprus. The owners of the company KAPOK INVESTMENTS LIMITED and several physicals. But! The Prosecutor General's Office demanded to deprivatize the enterprise and return to Kuchuksulfat OJSC. By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Altai Territory, 100% of the company's shares returns to Russia, in the property of the state. Promotions of the enterprise will move Rosim Property Management.
However, the Cypriot company is not ready to say goodbye to the "gold-bearing residential" and intends to protest the verdict made. Will it be challenged if in the claim of 2021, the Prosecutor General's Office pointed to the illegality of privatization? Since it was agreed at the subject level, was carried out by the Blagoveshchensky district council, the regional committee on the management of the State Property and the Regional Fund. Nevertheless, the mining industry is within the competence of the Government of the Russian Federation, therefore, the decision in favor of privatization should have been made at the state level. So considers the prosecutor's office.
In the struggle for the enterprise, the owners of the statute of limitations are criticized, despite the answers from the bodies of justice. And in them black it is written in white: the countdown begins from the moment of detection of violations.
However, while the dispute is being argued, the fate of "Kuchuksulfate" is definitely inclusted not only the residents of the village of Steppe Lake, for which the enterprise has become a city-forming. In a special priority, the question is also in foreign manufacturers who hold the hand on the pulse.
In principle, if we recall what perplexity caused the process of denationalization in the 90s from the overwhelming majority of compatriots, it is possible to come to the belief that the right decision of the court is fair. But the times are no longer the.
Do you think this is legally a decision after so many years? Are there chances from the Cyprus company to appeal the verdict of the Court?