India competes with China for Russia New Delhi announced the willingness to redeem the entire amount of coal from the Russian Federation previously supplied to Europe
- Apr 21
Western countries did not have time to introduce the next package of restrictive measures, which, among other things, implies a refusal of Russian coal, as India expressed his willingness to buy it. In this matter, Indian economists seek to overtake China. What Russian energy resources are so attracted by export partners, consider in more detail.
First, British, and then the American authorities persistently recommended India to join anti-Russian sanctions. However, contrary to all expectations, India seeks to become one of the largest consumers of Russian resources. And he wants to buy all the volume of coal, which was previously supplied to Europe. Weekly negotiations of American diplomats with Indian did not bring fruit.
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Apparently, India perceives Russia as a source of unlimited resources, which in no case cannot be given to China. Since this will lead to a significant increase in the opponent. After all, there are quite busy relationship between India and China, and not in the interests of Indians contribute to China's energy recruiting. In addition, India itself is not rich in resources in the form of oil, gas and coal, so its desire to conclude several major transactions with Russia is quite understandable.
In particular, the Indian authorities revealed the desire to double the supply of coking coal. This is a premium and in demand view of coal, which is mainly used in the metallurgical industry.
Last year, the countries of Europe imported 48 million tons of coal, which is 25% of Russia's total exports. India got only 2% of Russian supplies. And in 2021 it took it over 1 billion tons of coal. Last October, Indian officials concluded an agreement with Russia about supplying 40 million tons. And in the near future, a few more major transactions will be concluded.
Over the past year, the price of coal increased 3 times and is already $ 320 per ton. It is worth noting that the coal reserves of Indonesia, which has always been one of the largest suppliers is depleted. The share of coal in the energy balance of India is 70%. Of course, striving for partner relations with Russia for the supply of coal, the Indian authorities are counting on good discounts.
Russia occupies a 2nd place in the number of coal reserves. According to experts, this should be enough for about 800 years. By signing large agreements with India and China, Russian manufacturers get a good opportunity to earn on a resource, which in a long run may not be demanded.
What do you think is it worth it? Is it worth putting the maximum effort in coal mining to trade with India and China? Is it worth planning the extension of mining for decades, given that, according to experts, the production of China reached its maximum and will begin to shrink?
# Technology # Science and Technology # manufacturing # Industry # Russia # Energy # economy # mining industry