Although the official launch of Intel Arc mobile graphics processors has already passed, the implementation of the XE-HPG architecture for desktop PCs can still be judged only by rumors. Intel was very reluctant to share any official information about its desktop series, although the company teased a "limited series" video cards, which will appear this summer.
Recently, information about the Arc A770 desktop video card has appeared, surrounded by Geekbench. In this record, it was said that Intel prepares an option with a clock frequency to 2.4 GHz and 12.7 GB of memory. This model, and three other SKUs are referred to as a source of leakage in a message published a few days ago and detected WCCFTECH today:
First of all, the leader reports that there is another delay in the launch of ARC for desktop PC until the end of the second or the beginning of the third quarter. In the end, Intel only confirmed that Limited Edition will be released this summer, without any confirmations of any other components for desktop PCs during this period. Considering how badly the launch of Mobile ARC A-Series mobile devices was launched (it is still exclusive for one country 2 weeks after it was officially "available now"), it is simply impossible to believe anything that Intel can say about his schedule Launch ARC. Having this in mind, rumors about the desktop delay have a great meaning.
The source also mentions that four parts for desktop PC are planned, and the possible 5th option will be launched later. Mentioned Desktop SKU ARC A770, A750, A580 and A380, and the A770 leads with a performance similar to RTX 3060 Ti. It is believed that Intel can release even faster part, but it is probably here "Limited Edition" appears. It is said that the A770 actually has less than 16 GB of memory, so 12 GB / 10 GB will be on the table. However, yesterday's leak suggested that it can be a video card for 16 GB. So, it is clear that there is still a lot of confusion around this SKU.
Interestingly, "Citizen" reveals Intel's plans for a detail called Arc A750. It would be possible to expect that this SKU will include 448 vector XE engines (executive modules), as numerous leaks in the past (some proceeded from Intel). This part, along with the A580, will have 8 GB GDDR6 memory. The report claims that the slowest desktop part known as A380 will offer AMD RADEON RX 6400 performance.
What is missing in the report, it is information about "Limited Edition". This part is explicitly equipped with eight GDDR6 memory modules, so 16 GB of memory seems to be confirmed. It can be either rumors about A780, or a special version of A770 with a large amount of memory.