Since 3DCenter began analyzing video card prices (January 2021), the newest video cards have never been cheaper. It all started with an increase in the tariffs of the United States on electronic components, the sudden popularity of work from the house and the growth of cryptocurrency value. Last week, tariffs were reduced, the cryptocurrency market stained, and people return to their jobs.
This means that video cards can finally return to the initially scheduled price levels, and there are good grounds to believe that this will happen soon. The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 and AMD RADEON RX 6000 series is now on average 25% higher than recommended retail price. This means that they are at the lowest price for 15 months.
Although the analysis of price trends conducted by 3DCenter focuses on the markets of Germany and Austria's graphics processors, such prices will probably be observed in other countries and regions.
Current price levels correspond to prices at the end of 2020. Since January of this year, prices for AMD and NVIDIA graphics processors fall at 20-10% in each price analysis.
According to Techradar, retailers still do not want to predict when the GPU prices have reached the recommended retail price. However, the editors managed to force the representative of one of the "loud" retailers more. Tyler Davis from expects prices for graphics processors will become "attractive" for buyers already in May.
This is a truly blurry statement, and the fact that other retailers are not as striving to make similar forecasts, probably assumes that May is still configured optimistic. However, the facts are such that we are now observing two-digit percentage changes in prices for graphics processors monthly. Thus, by the end of the second quarter, we may finally see good suggestions on RTX 30 and RX 6000 graphics processors, not to mention what Intel Arc Alchemist appears.