Every day I threw 250 rubles per brokerage account, buying currency and funds of Russian stocks. On the stock exchange, these assets in recent months behave very unpredictably, so I wanted to make at least some variable in your plate with accumulation, which will not be upset. So the accumulative account appeared.
With his appearance, I did not save anymore until I see such a need. Just a little beat replay accounts.
Now I send not 250 rubles every day to a brokerage account, but only 200. The commission for the purchase of currency was removed, so this amount is enough for me for daily currency purchases. I will transfer the remaining 50 rubles to the accumulative account.
I will replenish the cumulative account for 100 rubles. I took 50 rubles from past daily savings, another 50 took from daily translations to its main brokerage account. Previously translated daily 50 rubles there, while suspending this case.
The main portfolio burns with red fire, so while even the mood is not there to peel.
Today there has been a cumulative account for 9 days, that is, 900 rubles accumulated on it.
In addition to the replenishment themselves, the cumulative account will be replenished and percentages on the residue. Now the interest rate is 10% per annum.
Until the end of the year, if I strictly adhere to the rule "100 rubles per day", accumulate 26,500. This is 24% of the target amount.
I save, I try to invent for myself some of the Chellands and the rules to save was not so bored.
Thank you for your time! I will be glad to your comments and subscriptions!
# Finance # investment # money # save on iPhone #app # accumulating # how to start sailing # tinkoff # cumulative account