Recording calls on any Xiaomi smartphone getting rid of the warning about the beginning of the recording of the call
- May 01
Hello Zen!
I think many of you have been interested in the topic of recording calls on Xiaomi smartphones - I already told you about her in one of the articles. Then the record through the Google application could only be conducted with informing about its beginning for both interlocutors, and this questioned all the usefulness of the possibility. Either third -party applications were saved, or the transition to Chinese firmware Miui, which uses the "native callizer".
Network users found a way to get around the message “Writing a call” (source) - the method was not found by me, but it was verified and is absolutely worker. In addition to this, I checked the rest of the ways - I will share the conclusion about their work below.
To begin with, we need to figure out what, how and why we will change. Google has its own TTS service (Text-to-Speech/speech synthesis), which allows a robotic voice to voice the text-for example, books, words when using special. opportunities, etc. In addition to the official synthesizer and a dictionary from Google, there are also user synthesizers replacing it. The warning of the “challenge has been started” is voiced precisely by the Google synthesizer, and the change in its settings does not affect the sound of this annoying phrase, changing only the tone and speed in other scenarios of the voice reproduction.
But third -party options can be workers - I managed to test the TTSLEXX and ACAPELA TTS: both options save Google phone from warning about the start of recording a call. Anyone can be used from them, but for the second you will have to download the dictionary yourself, otherwise all the robotic voice acting will disappear along with the warning about the record. I, like other network users, stopped at TTSLEXX - this synthesizer has my own dictionary, and it works fine. You can download both options for free through Play Market.
We proceed to the installation. After downloading the synthesizer, we open the settings, collect the word “synthesizer” in the search line and slip along the “default synthesizer” item (or we go along the “extended settings” - “language and input” - “speech synthesis” - “default settlezer”) . In my case, there were several options, in your own there will be two - TTS from Google and TTSLEXX. Choose the second.
A notification of recording usually disappears immediately after choosing a new synthesizer - in my case it was exactly so. But, judging by reports on portals and forums, people sometimes have to clean the Google Phone applications, which is used in Xiaomi global smartphones by default. If this case is yours - we open the settings, we cross the path of “applications” - “all applications”, find and open “phone”, click on “clean” and select “clear everything”. Neither contacts nor challenges will be erased - the application will require only a few seconds to update information.
Now we are trying to record a conversation when calling: after clicking on the "Record" button, no warnings should be reproduced. If the notification of the recording is still reproduced, we return to the previous paragraph and carry out the procedure for cleaning the “Phone” application. If you need to return the standard speech synthesis, we return to the installation of the synthesizer and select the solution from Google.
P.S. The exact reason why third -party synthesizers do not voice the warning is still unknown to me. It is possible that they indicate too high voice acting, or the dictionary cannot recognize such a phrase. If you know about the reasons - please write about her in the comments. It will be useful for me and for other people!
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