RF launches the mechanism of parallel imports of foreign products a step to the denunciation of the intellectual property agreement
- Apr 09
In Russia legalized parallel imports. Simple words, the importation of the original goods from abroad is now allowed without the consent of the copyright holder. According to experts, such a measure will allow to bypass the ban on Western companies for the supply of their products to Russia. Previously, penalties were envisaged for this, and the goods were sent across the border destroyed.
If you consider the initiative on a more global scale, then it is worth thinking about the consequences. Refusal to comply with intellectual property rights can be the first step towards termination of the agreement between Russia and the countries that have received the status of unfriendly. What does it mean?
Consider the situation on the example of the Aquarius group of companies. The company produces electronics for the most part for the public sector. In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Industry, domestic devices must be fully created in our country: from documentation to software. This is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of spy bookmarks. And "Aquarius" works successfully in such conditions since 1989. However, without imported components, do not do.
Now the group opens another electronic equipment enterprise, where they plan to release servers, laptops, computers, monoblocks, storage systems, printers, multifunctional devices and pocket personal computers.
Reserves of components have a company, but, as you know, sooner or later, any reserves are depleted. Therefore, a parallel importation will be bypassing for the purchase of necessary products.
For example, in the foreign market for friendly countries - in China or another partner state - there is an Intel processor batch. Russia can purchase this product and deliver to its territory without waiting for the permission of the copyright holder.
Yes, this is a forced measure, but necessary to create its own microprocessors in the present conditions. And import substitution strongly depends on intellectual property rights.
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On the other hand, the legalization of parallel imports will hurt the wallets of European and American companies. Losses can be truly colossal - hundreds of billions of dollars.
It is worth noting, this is already happening with the drug from Covida Remidesivir. In 2020, with the permission of the Russian authorities, Farmsinacez began producing a drug, patented by American companies Gilead Pharmasset LLS and Gilead Sciences Inc. The copyright holders did not consent to the use of their drug invention. However, the drug was used during a Pandemic COVID-19 to secure Russians.
The copyright holders were indignant and appealed to the Supreme Court. However, Sun did not satisfy the claims and recognized the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation legitimate. If necessary, the protection of national security contracts with patent holders is not. Forced licensing is different from such a legitimate application of a patent without the permission of the licensee.
It is worth noting that in the event of the dissemination of this practice to other industries, the entire international legal framework may suffer. This will be a direct evidence of the obvious: the world disintegrates into certain areas of influence, which will probably stop interacting with each other in such matters. How likely such a scenario is?
A step towards the denunciation of an intellectual property agreement has already been made. What do you think, do foreign companies do any actions to avoid it and at the same time global consequences?
# Technology # Science and Technology # manufacturing # industry # Russia #IT # economy # microelectronics