RTTN at the turn of science and technology Russian thermonuclear synthesis is already on the approach Rosatom is ahead of the ITER project
- Apr 25
In 2020, the program "Development of technology, technologies and scientific research in the field of use of atomic energy in the Russian Federation was adopted. Initially, it assumed the development of the nuclear industry until 2024. The new decree extended the program for another 6 years, until 2030. Consider more, with which this decision is connected and what changes to expect.
RTTN - the development of technology, technology and scientific research in the field of atomic energy in the Russian Federation.
The program includes several areas of development, among which:
The program was decided to extend, as Russian scientists from Trinity developed a whole range of research in the field of nuclear energy. It will allow you to spend 3 times the conduct of experiments and get the first results after 4-5 years.
The Russian IT startup SFERA, one of the most promising projects, creates an ecosystem with a variety of services. Learn more about the project and investment capabilities on the site. The collection of registration applications is opened.
Olenin also shared that during this period they plan to do a tremendous work.
Firstly, complete the development of the Brest OD-300 reactor. It will become the basis for creating a demonstration energy complex on the territory of the Siberian Chemical Plant.
The second planned object is a reactor on fast neutron MBS for research.
It is also planned to create:
In the future, the implementation of a number of new projects, including the construction of low-power NPPs.
It is worth noting that some of the solutions within the framework of the RTTs are already ahead of world technologies, including those that are implemented in France by the efforts of many states.
Prototypes of powerful plasma engines Scientists plan to show in 2024. After that, work will begin to create a flight sample to derive into orbit.
The basis of the plasma engine will be 2 plasma accelerators. When they are exposed to each other, thermonuclear outbreak occurs. A spacecraft with a plasma engine will be able to accelerate to the desired speeds and overcome long distances, for example, beyond the solar system.
It is impossible to start on the plasma engine from the ground. But it is not necessary. To overcome the attraction, you need a high power. But for the movement in space plasma is optimal. Fuel will serve hydrogen or inert gas.
What do you think will be able to "Rosatom" to achieve significant results in the field of studying thermonuclear synthesis in the coming decades? Or grand goals are unattainable for one country and need to be implemented joint efforts?
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