Products offered by domestic companies from this list allegedly can replace any foreign and popular.
First we give the list itself.
Messengers and social networks.
"Odnoklassniki" is a rather specific platform for the audience of your niche. This shows that bloggers from foreign platforms did not even consider it to go. "My World" is at all such an old network, which is hardly there a lot of active accounts will be checked.
Although the Archaic ICQ archaic messenger looks more fun, which even against the background of sanctions was going to resurrect in the new embodiment. On the other hand, where you can get to the metro, it is possible and walking on foot, however, you will need more time.
Here the set of options is more interesting. In the field of business communications, Russian companies have achieved a certain progress, although so far the majority of the names from the list say nothing to the usual user.
Nevertheless, some difficulties will be traced here. First of all, Western participants are unlikely to go to Russian services. If, for example, to imagine a Discord-channel of some online game, then why leave him if he continues to work? Unless if it is blocked because of the non-fulfillment of the Russian law "On landing", although this is not the best way for users to stimulate Russian companies to develop their products, directing them clients who have no place to implement a digital need.
Similarly, with video conferences. Users from Europe, Asia and America are unlikely to deal with the nuances of the program called "", when everyone is accustomed to the international Zoom.
Indeed, Kaspersky is a very good replacement with paid and stuffing advertising foreign antiviruses. We also recommend considering free (for personal use) program from MalwareBytes.
These services have most offices of companies in large cities. The restriction of their work, for example, when trying to block Google in Russia, in fact, turn off the light to them by proposing to work for candles.
Gmail is one of the most convenient mail services. In addition, you can only open an account on Google Play or YouTube. It employs many users all over the world, and spam filters do not block the letters of this system, like, for example, for drawers from the RU zone, with which you can not even register everywhere.
Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail - outdated analogues that are used for certain cases. For example, Hotmail can contact the products from Microsoft and its store.
"Yandex.poshta" is a completely worthy analogue to all, except for Google services, although finding in the RU zone makes more likely to enter letters from such boxes on strict filters in foreign postal systems.
Such a replacement is possible, but Google Translate is again more available languages.
Chrome and Firefox - Two most popular browsers in the world. Those who worked for years will feel very uncomfortable on Russian counterparts.
It remains an open question, what data collected by sites and users, Russian companies are used for their businesses. And what is even more important - which site views are rejected as suspicious. For most Russian counters, this percentage is quite large.
Although Google Analytics makes something similar, but not so actively and noticeable.
All the essence of Russian attendance counters, we once had the opportunity to learn from working with a counter from LiveInternet, who regularly blocked it, as soon as the site traffic was rejected by more than 10% in the direction of increasing, and also took the honest visits to the site from a foreign audience, ignoring The fact that transitions could occur by reference added for all the rules on a large modistered foreign site.
It does not have to doubt that "Yandex.Maps" is much better knows the maps of Russia, roads, companies and points important for people on maps than Google. Although the flight view function is very useful in search of the right path.
After some time, Russian services will be able to replace Western counterparts, but so far there will be no such wide coverage of the topics of available materials, as well as attempts to monetize the access of Russians, which in foreign services could be provided in some cases and free.
It is unlikely that someone seriously enjoyed Western services in finding work in Russia.
Here clients will remain with those services with which they worked for a long time, choosing convenient for themselves.
Western Internet auctions and shops are not servicing Russia now - or there is no delivery to the country, or the accounts are frozen, closed purchases.
It is not always possible to replace with domestic analogues, first of all, in mind the unique range of sites. In other words, if you need a specific phone cover, and it is in Amazon, then in Ozon among pans, books and travels, he is unlikely to be found. Does the replacement offer to purchase a book in Russia instead of a phone cover in the West to forget about his need?
It is surprising that at the same time the volume of duty-free import of goods from abroad, on the contrary, will temporarily expand at times. Just at a time when many foreign online stores, with the exception of Chinese, cease to serve Russians, referring to the departure of Western payment systems from the country.
Booking services in Russia will have to actively develop due to the country blocking by Western counterparts. even on joys from the departure paid a billion fine, and Airbnb modestly froze all the advance payments of Russians for not yet realized booking.
List is missing a lot of things. For example, there is no proposal to replace Spotify to Yandex.Musca, since foreign publishers and so stopped adding new tracks to Russian catalogs, so also old may be withdrawn after the expiration of current license agreements.
NetFlix is not invited to replace Russian online cinemas, where the volume of foreign content will also be reduced - the absence of the Western prime minister and withdrawing old content as past agreements are fulfilled. This was reported almost all major Hollywood studios.
And on the sweet - there is no on the list, fortunately, YouTube and suggestions to replace it with Rutube: Long moderation of rollers, lack of intentional monetization for bloggers and a good recommendation system, platform bonus in the promotion of own films, TV series, partner content, lack of coverage and free content in The field of education, entertainment is quite obvious reasons:
There is also no analogue of the application store, which, indeed, is needed, but can only be ready for the summer 2022:
Although it pleases that the Instagram replacement did not mention the dubious Russian clones:
Import substitution in services and applications continues. Somewhere goes more successful, somewhere no one thought about the need, for example, once not to access "Google. Documents".
It is also not in the list and services for Stryming. Although Twitch complicated the withdrawal of funds to Russian users, for video game lovers, it is still a key resource that, if experienced bloggers and are trying to replace into Chinese counterparts, except for favorable contracts, those proposed.
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I would like this substitution to take place not according to the principles that everyone will have to use what is, because access to the Western analogue will close, and not by decision of this analog, but from Russia, but it has led to the attempts of Russian companies to create domestic Convenient programs, taking into account the experience of foreign offerings and services. If only not according to the method of "RosSgram".
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