As expected, another wave of excitement with an attempt to bypass foreign sanctions against banks through maps with the Chinese payment system, UnionPay, did not help restore the possibility of purchases in many cases.
Earlier we talked about the fact that in Russia there were more and more co-bayage cards "Peace" with support for the UnionPay payment system, both physical and virtual.
Their cost and service price even managed to grow significantly, although new banks offer such a product following the demand:
He did not decrease anything. Over the past month, about 500 thousand such cards were issued. It is 10 times more than the spring of 2022 mainly users prefer virtual cards. They are cheaper and applied to online shopping. Also, you can not withdraw money in ATMs.
It turned out that foreign shops and banks do not miss payments from any Russian cards, incl. With UnionPay support. The payment system could intervene by demanding the correction of the situation, but does not make it, fearing under American sanctions.
Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, American Express will not be available in Russia. Not yet one month, at a minimum, therefore the problem of payments remains relevant. It's amazing that Russian banks do not focus on the problem, but, on the contrary, more actively advertise the service. From the last to the release of maps joined the Russian Standard and MTS Bank. Now such cards produce about 10 banks.
Payment in the Western online store can pass from bank cards not under sanctions from the Russian Federation, but there are still available, and the same Epic Store serves Visa cards from Tinkoff through the XSOLLA payment agent:
UnionPay operates in 180 countries, incl. In the EU and the United States, but created it for traveling Chinese tourists as an alternative to the more popular local Alipay.
The cost of issuing and servicing such cards in Russia has already exceeded 10 thousand rubles. per year for most applications, but card users are increasingly complaining that UnionPay cards in payments in Western online stores did not help them.
Negative reviews and travelers come. In particular, there were reports that in the United States a similar Russian card with UnionPay did not accept anywhere. For other countries, not enough use statistics.
However, a huge wave of complaints is growing on online payments. Officially, banks do not comment on this problem, but in store support services they answer that the problem is in the maps.
Foreign online stores decided not to serve Russians with any cards released in the Russian Federation. However, they do not have data to determine the country of issue. This can only check the balance agent.
Although the rules of payment systems prohibit discrimination of a whole country, apparently, foreign banks-accumulators in Europe and the United States, fearing to get under secondary sanctions, made it precisely this by disabling payment from all maps that Russia consists of Russia.
Only UnionPay itself could correct the situation, which should take care of the availability of services for holders of their cards. All mechanisms for tracking such problems it has. However, UnionPay decided not to interfere with these problems.
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As a result, users of maps spend funds to issue, maintenance, but cannot realize the goals set with these cards.
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