Universal studio is trying to solve the creative crisis on the set of the Frying 10 racing action movie.
After the first days of work, he suddenly decided to leave the director Justin Lin, who had long worked with the series.
The price of retention of actors and members of the group in the project reaches up to $ 1 million on the day of losses.
The company pays for simple, and also in a hurry is looking for a director. Who knows, perhaps Vin Diesel told him that he did not know how to make a movie, as he once said that Dwayne Johnson does not know how to play him. In fact, more than a dozen stars from Brig Larson and Jason Momoa to Charlize Teron and Jason State are nervous, Not understanding how long this will drag on, and whether the new director will not be quite what they agreed with the old.
Nevertheless, cases when the director leaves the film after the first days of filming is extremely rare in the industry. Depending on the period of delay, they may also postpone the date of the premiere.
The scandal on the set of "Fast and the Furious 10" is a blow to the inspirer of the Diesel wine project, which tried to show the series with an ideal creative space, where new famous actors from the picture to the picture complement the old team.
In this case, the 11 part should become for a series of the latter. It was planned to shoot it immediately after the 10th with the premiere in the difference of 1 year.
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So far, the premiere is scheduled for 05/19/2023.
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