A sign divider for past and future DC superheroes in the movie will be the film "Flash", which leaves in the summer of 2023. The characters marked in it can continue to appear on the screens, but the missing are preparing to go to the archive.
Insiders reported one of the options with which the studio could say goodbye to the Superman who was playing Henry Cavill.
The story with an attempt to continue the "man of steel" lasted many years, but did not lead to anything. The conflict of the studio and the director Zack Snidder led to the impossibility of further cooperation.
Instead of that version of Superman, two black variations of the hero are already scheduled. One for the series is developing actor and producer Michael. B. Jordan, and for the second in the future movie J.J.j. Abrams.
The need for a classic superman disappeared, and Batman performed by Ben Affleck is also prepared to write off after Flash. By the way, Batman will continue to fulfill Michael Kiton.
In the picture "Flash" there should be a future updated "League of Justice". From the old composition, except for Flash (still Ezra Miller), they want to preserve a wonderful woman (Gal Gadot) and Aquamena (Jason Momoa) for good fees of their solo paintings. Cyborg from Ray Fisher dropped even earlier due to insoluble disagreements and conflict with the studio, accusing it in an unhealthy atmosphere at the shooting of the Fair League, when Joss Odon came to the project.
The new members of the team should be the supergel (Sasha Calle), Batgerl (Leslie Grace) and the future Nutsignan, who may first pass the stage of Robin.
There was only a question that will be with a superman. Insiders report that a dialogue between Barry Allen and Aquamen, whom he met in a different dimension, will take place in the titles. According to the plot, the hero will travel in time to prevent an important tragedy, but, in the end, it will bring even more cataclysms to the world.
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So Aquamen to the question of the hero about Superman allegedly will answer: "And who is Superman?". Thus, as if shown that it does not exist in the updated DCEU.
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