New details from the documentation related to the former head of Warner Bros., showed that the studio seriously considered the removal of the character from the kintery of the Character.
The sea of playing Amber Hurd. After the victory in the London Court over Johnny Depp, she received more support from producers and fans, but the entire enthusiasm of Kinoboss was disappeared somewhere when Johnny Depp took seriously to prove that the Ember slandered him in the American newspaper.
The hearing on this case begins this week:
Insiders report that against the background of continuing the scandal, the Ember cannot obtain new promising roles or promotional contracts.
However, then several years ago, when the first Aquamen showed himself well at the box office, the Warner Bros management. It has not yet known about the course of lawsuits and their future results, so seriously considered the removal of a character from the sequel "Aquamen 2".
In the letters of the head, critical reviews are discussed on the measure of reviewers and some fans. The texts also appear in the wording: "did not compare the characters with Jason Momoa. There was no spark between them."
In other words, the studio was very close to not to continue cooperation with the Ember Hurd and come up with a storyline to get rid of this character in the continuation.
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Perhaps, these plans have not yet refused, and if, suddenly, with a measure in a new film something will happen, or a hint of her departure from the series will appear, then the reasons should be found in this story. The premiere of the painting "Aquamen 2" will take place on 16.12.2022.
#aquaman #dc # Aquamen 2 # Aquama # Jason Momoa # Amber Herd # Cinema # Kinokomiksa # Johnny Depp