We work in three shifts Russian manufacturers of building materials celebrate the flight of imports
- Apr 28
Due to a serious reduction in the import segment, the situation in the Russian market has changed dramatically. The load on the domestic manufacturer has grown significantly. We will tell you more about what is happening with the prices and production of building materials and equipment.
With the departure from the Russian market of foreign companies, demand for domestic products has grown significantly. This was especially affected by manufacturers of building materials and equipment. Despite the fact that the prices for many goods have risen, the Russian consumer is in unprecedented demand for the Russian consumer.
For example, the construction company “Warm House+” in Kazan sells exclusively Russian building materials and engineering systems. After the departure of foreign suppliers, the company fulfills the sales plans much faster.
Rare representatives of foreign companies, for example, Inventum, which represents the Bulgarian manufacturer Prista Oil, remained almost out of competition. The company produces motor and production oils. Demand for them increased markedly, so I had to quickly increase production volumes.
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However, as we have already mentioned above, prices for many materials rose. This is evidenced by Russian manufacturers themselves. For example, metal prices rose by 50%, and in places - by all 70%. Which, accordingly, entailed the increase in prices for finished products. Say, the cost of damper and electric drives among manufacturing companies increased from 30 to 50%. The cost of elevators increased by 30%. Which, oddly enough, did not affect the volume of sales, but rather the other way around.
Losses in connection with economic changes are recorded not only in Russia. So, the cost of transporting resources and products from other countries for China has increased 4 times. Therefore, China economists plan to start buying Russian counterparts in order to avoid dependence on foreign partners.
Do you think, will the volume of production of building materials by the end of the year increase greatly? Or is it a temporary phenomenon? Can a domestic manufacturer completely replace imported goods in the construction segment?
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