The implementation of the double bottom on iOS and Android
- May 22
Now in the official client of Telegram there is no “double bottom” function, and it is not clear when it can appear at all. Pavel Durov knows about the request of users about the introduction of this possibility, but its appearance is inhibited for some reason.
Hides accounts, does not display them anywhere. And to enter the desired one, you can use the password invented in advance. Only the owner of the device himself knows about the existence of a hidden account.
When entering a pre -prepared password, the user does not fall into the main, but in a pre -prepared profile, which is completely clean from correspondence. This solution will help in situations where the user will be forced to show the contents of Telegram. Under the threats and pressure, he may not have another way out. There is no such protection in any messenger today.
1. Download the Graph Messenger application
2. Install the APK file on your device
3. After that, we go to two of our Telegram accounts, one account will not be hidden, on it we can lead our usual dialogs, lead a typical life. On the second we can subscribe to any channels and groups you are interested in.
We select an account that we want to hide and move to the following section:
1. "Telegraph settings" ➡️
2. "Hidden accounts" ➡️
3. Click on "Turn on hidden accounts."
4. After that, you need to come up with a PIN code for entering a hidden account (you can also make an entrance on fingerprint or a graphic key, for more protection, we recommend using only a pin code).
After you have made all the necessary settings, you still have two active accounts. But one of them needs to be hidden. What are we doing:
1. Click on the ⚙️ near the account;
2. click on "hide";
3. The second account is hidden.
Now, in order to enter a hidden account, you need to clamp a photo with a photo and enter your password for a hidden account.
How to install a new function?
The new function hides accounts, does not display them anywhere. Hidden accounts do not see each other, the main accounts see only the main ones. Only the owner of the devices knows about the existence of a hidden account. Hidden accounts are not displayed in the general list of accounts, access to them only through entering the code-paralle in the lock mode of the Telegram client. The number of hidden "double bottom" accounts is not limited.
Note that you can hide the account only in the first minute after the account of the account in the Telegram client. After time, the button disappears from the "settings". To see the button again, you need to log in again. A temporary restriction allows you to hide the fact of the activation of the "double bottom".
If the button did not disappear, then it could be understood if the "double bottom" was activated. This makes it possible to show an attacker any account without a hint that there are other hidden accounts.
Since notifications and calls can issue the presence of a hidden account, the “double bottom” makes it possible to turn them off for a hidden account. But there is a nuance, Telegram uses these settings for all devices where the account is authorized (standard Telegram functionality). This applies only to mobile devices.
The notification meter on the icon will not take into account hidden accounts, since when folding the Telegram client in the system, switching to the last main account occurs.
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