More than 200 Android applications, disguised as photo editors, fitness trackers, head-heading games and this software, distribute a spy program under the name Facestealer. The task of malice is to get the accounting data of the victims and other important information.
As the researchers from Trend Micro explain in the report, Facestealer is similar in functionality with another well-known Android Troyan-Joker. By the way, the Joker last week again crept in the Google Play Store under the guise of a PDF scanner.
Facestealer and Joker have a large number of options: both evil often change their code and thus breed samples. Since the discovery of Facestealer, the spy program constantly strives to get to the Google Play Store. Most of all, the harm is interested in accounting data from Facebook accounts of users.
Of the 200 discovered applications, 42 turned out to be VPN services, 20-software for the camera, 13-photo editors. In addition to logins and passwords, Facestealer is trying to steal cookies and personal data specified in accounts.
Trend Micro also discovered 40 malicious applications oriented to user digital currency. They sign the victim for paid services, and also insert intrusive advertising.
In addition, we can mention the study of Nortonlifelock and the University of Boston, in which analysts presented interesting statistics: potentially dangerous Android applications established more than 11.7 million users from 2019 to 2020.
#Home users #android
#Trend Micro #Trojan
#Advertising programs
#Spy programs
#Tracking programs