In Virginia, the trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Hurd ended. The actor demanded from the former wife $ 50 million, he had 100 million in the oncoming lawsuit. We tell how 25-26 days of meetings passed.
The subject of the court was an article in the American newspaper in 2018. It was written by Amber Hurd, and she claims that the title was invented by journalists. He read: "I survived home violence in a relationship, and everyone recouped me." The name of Johnny Depp in the text was not directly mentioned, but the actor believes that everyone already understood who she was talking about.
The result of the process was the satisfaction of the Johnny Depp lawsuit in terms of 8.35 million dollars in the USA. However, first, Herd should pay depp $ 10.35 million, and it is 2 million to her $ 2 million.
In our opinion, the most poorly position of the defense of Ember Herd looked in the last days of meetings, and we continue to tell how it ended, and what the parties will do further with their appeals.
How the process passed in the first twenty -four days of meetings, we said earlier:
Less than 48 hours took the jury to make its decision on this case. On the first day of discussion after the final words of lawyers, they worked for several hours, but could not decide on the conclusions.
The composition of the jury included 5 men and 2 women. Now disputes are unfolding about whether such a composition has helped Amber Hurd or, on the contrary, harmful. However, the exceeding the share of women in the jury rarely leads to good results when the lawsuit is filed against a woman. American lawyers note that in this case, women-squirrels believe that they would never be in the place of the accused, judge her stricter and vote against her.
The predominance of women in the composition could already worsen the position of the actress if the secret fans of Johnny Depp's work were accidentally there.
According to the laws of America, jury can consider their decision from several hours to several weeks. They worked pretty quickly. Here it must be understood that there are no entertainment in the deliberative room, and even distracting like ordinary office work will not work.
All 8 hours of the working day should be devoted to discussing the issue. At the same time, the jury is allowed not to come to work on weekends and holidays.
The flow of Johnny Depp fans at the court dried up. The actor went to England to tour with the musician Jeff Bek, having received permission from the judge to be absent to make a decision. So, they stopped coming, although one enthusiast with his van, on which there was a model of a pirate ship and a cardboard figure of Captain Jack Sparrow, continued to steal circles around the court building.
Instead of Depp, his lawyers regularly went to the court, in the event of questions and requests from the jury, but Amber Herd personally was waiting for a decision.
Already on the second day of the discussion, the jury announced an appeal to the court. The cameras turned on, fans tensed. And everyone expected a solution from them, but he did not happen that day. These are the features of a completely public process with direct broadcast. It was originally insisted by Johnny Depp and his lawyers, waiting for public support. This is precisely what is used as one of the facts for the appeal in the future, Amber Hurd, complaining that ugly photographs from the court "crushed" on the jury.
The jury only clarified the judge Penny Azkarati a very important point - whether they should only evaluate the heading of the article, which is the subject of the trial, or the entire text of the article entirely. The latter could seriously delay the process of making a decision, because all the participants of the college had to unanimously support the general protocol.
The judge allowed to evaluate exclusively the heading for the purposes of the process, in relation to whether it was possible to correlate it with Johnny Depp or not. And this is a very important nuance that accelerated what is happening further.
The jury was expressed in response to a question of a form of 8 pages distributed by the judge. There were several questions in the style of “whether you considered Johnny Depp proven that the article was denigrating to him,” and the form also included clarifying sub-checks. In the second part, all the same was asked about the oncoming lawsuit from Amber Hurd.
The latter was very helped by the old statements of one of the lawyers Johnny Depp, who called the Amber's complaints "a scam with friends" to rob the actor. At the same time, the lawyer could not submit real evidence to such a statement, which later predetermined the compensation payment for $ 2 million in favor of the actress.
It is quite curious that the jury had a good freedom of choice in decision. They could reject the requirements of one of the actors or satisfy both sides, then deciding on the necessary amount of compensation for each of the parties.
In general, the jury made a decision in almost 1 business day. In one of the future materials, we will certainly analyze the legal and psychological factors that have become decisive in the process.
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In the following material on this topic on our channel in Yandex.Zen, we will talk about the day of the decision, reactions of the parties and consider different interesting points.
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