The TADVISER analytical center predicted the fall of the Russian IT market in 2022. According to an optimistic forecast, a decrease in market volume will be 10% compared to last year, and more than 20% in pessimistic. At the same time, last year, the Russian IT market, on the contrary, grew by 20%.
Experts indicate that the main negative factors to reduce the volume of the IT market are now sanctions, suspension of the activities of most Western vendors, including those who do not have similar Russian analogues, as well as the economic situation as a whole, when some of the companies will have the opportunity to solve only pressing tactical problems .
In particular, the Russian market has already left or suspended such large foreign IT companies as Dell, HP, SAP, Cisco Systems, Epam, Nokia, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft and Intel.
According to Alexander Levashov, the new outlines of the market are still being formed, but the leading positions will receive the developers of IT products and service providers who have bet on the development of their own technologies, since the demand for them will ensure not only government agencies, but also a private business.
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