Today we will consider 5 companies whose shares can show significant growth. These shares on the aggregate of factors are the best choice in the Russian stock market right now.
💥 Internet RAO
The company takes 3rd place in Russia in energy capacities and the production of electricity. It generates about 10% of electricity in Russia.
In the long run, the company will update its capacities - this will positively affect the increase in energy production.
It is worth noting that the electric power segment is protective, and at the same time, Inter RAO is aimed at growth and development.
According to experts, the fair value of 1 share of the Inter RAO is 3.5 rubles. But in my opinion, the company can show positive dynamics and approach 4 rubles per share.
Also, the growth driver for the company is the purchase of electric power assets at low prices (buying assets of foreign energy companies leaving Russia).
By the way, it is likely that Inter RAO will buy Enel Russia and Unipro. And due to the forced sale, the terms of the transaction for Inter RAO can be extremely interesting.
💥AFK system
In this company, of course, there is more potential than Inter RAO, but the risks are much higher here.
AFK System is a large private investor in the real sector of the economy. The AFC portfolio has both public and private companies (both with stable dividends and growth companies).
AFK system is a diversified investment fund. This includes: MTS, standard, Segezha, Medsi, agricultural holding steppe - such assets create a stable flow of money.
Companies are also included: ozone, binnopharm, Citronics, etc. In the future for 3-5 years, these companies can decently increase the capitalization of the AFC system.
At the beginning of the year, the cost of AFC shares decreased by almost 50%, and the total decline from last year's maximums reached 70%.
In my opinion, AFK stocks system are now traded with a discount. The forecast price of AFC shares is in the region of 20 rubles (+60% for 2-3 years). And this is also without taking into account the possible profitability from the payment of dividends and the return of shares.
I would like to separately highlight the company of Segezh. She has 4 key segments: paper and packaging, plywood and stoves, forest resources and woodworking, housing construction.
Segezha is a vertically integrated company (a full production cycle from logging to wood processing).
This company leads in Russia for the production of paper, lumber, and houses from glued beams. And also, it is included in 3 leading companies around the world.
Segezha quite positively transfers sanctions, an export ban, and complicated logistics. - A lot of barriers to the company, but segaine exports are growing.
The company reoriented its export from Europe to the east. For example, more than 22% of exports from Europe are already delivered to China, and everything is still ahead.
In 1 sq. 2022 company revenue increased by 96%. Such an increase is ensured by weakening the ruble exchange rate and increasing average prices for company products.
Demand for wood is constantly growing, respectively, the price is growing. Thanks to this, the financial indicators of Segezhi are growing.
This company can be safely taken in long -term (while maintaining such a level of demand and high prices for wood).
Compared to other companies in the Russian market, Fosagro shares showed good growth after the launch of trading.
Such dynamics is observed due to extremely high prices for fertilizers (against the background of the geopolitical situation). After all, Russia occupies a leading position on the export of mineral fertilizers.
At the same time, there is a chance that Fosagro can cancel the payment of dividends for 2021 and for 1-2 square meters. 2022. However, I positively assess the prospects of 2023.
The logic of investment in Fosagro is simple: the demand for food is growing - agricultural products are required for their production - fertilizer is necessary for its production.
The sanctions that have been introduced against Russian companies practically did not affect the production of fertilizers.
European export quotas for potassium and complex fertilizers are formal, since, comparable with the usual volumes of exports.
And the United States, under threat of significant prices, deduced Russian fertilizers from sanctions, making them essential products.
So, geopolitics will have no influence, the company can only be in logistics problems.
Rosneft is the largest oil export in Russia and the leader of Russian oil refining. The oil refining and petrochemical unit of the company includes 18 oil refineries.
In 2020, Rosneft began to implement a large-scale project for the production of Vostok-Oil hydrocarbons. This project will be the main driver to increase production in 2030.
Of course, Rosneft is now under pressure from sanctions that cause a lot of problems. But in general, this is a quality business with good prospects.
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