Russian streaming with varying success cope with restrictions. Suddenly, Amediatek reported the continuation of the release of the series Warner Bros. and HBO on their platform. Abonets were able to see the premiere of the 4th season "World of the Wild West" 4 days after the world release, see the final of the pirate comedy "Our Flag" means death "with Tyika Vaitti about the Flist-amateur Bonnet, who could be found and In the game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The relationship of the protagonist and black beard, to put it mildly, in that series came to the face of an absurd, which Taika was not used to. In July, both the spring Western and new content will be released on the platform, including "Julia", "DMZ", "We own this city", the 3rd season "Barry". The main intrigue is whether the secret transaction is the implementation of earlier contracts, when it became possible to somehow pay for releases from another country (conclusion The funds from the Russian Federation are still limited), or the desire Warner Bros. And HBO is slowly earn in the market, which was deserted from competitors. For example, Paramount and Showtime from Viacom were refused to provide the Amediatex content, so the Halo series did not officially be released in Russia. The Washing question also concerns the “Dragon House” that the audience is waiting. The companies did not report on what conditions they agreed, but HBO is still waiting for an information test abroad, if the transaction is confirmed. The versions vary: from the implementation of releases concluded before the end of February (the new rules of compulsory licensing still allow this to show this even without the permission of the HBO from symbolic payment in rubles to the expense of a Russian bank, from where the payment cannot be withdrawn), to the interest of the company in the market, because The deal touched on new releases, but again it is not known when we agreed on their appearance in the Russian Federation. Praying, we observe only the creative use of new rules for "compulsory licensing", because Transactions for new content are concluded in advance. Honestly, in this case, this option is more believed in this option, illegal copies of the series on the network as a day of the premiere of the episode pop up, and 4 days would be enough for voice acting.
If there is an old contract for the publication of all these drafts with the new rules, they would not violate Russian laws if they deposit the ruble payment in favor of the copyright holder to demand to the Russian Bank. If the flow of new releases from this source on streaming will dry out in six months a year, It will be possible to state that everything was so. If the HBO has made a deal, then the new content from the company will continue to go out. Universal, from the Russian market, was also set by Warner Bros. In a difficult situation, depriving a local distributor. Now Warner Bros., most likely, will have to find a replacement for her among domestic companies and agree for an indefinite period to the inability to withdraw the funds earned from the rental in Russia if desired to return their films. Even with a more pleasant dollar year for the Western business, the ruble to the ruble than before. At the same time, it cannot be said that Batman’s rental somehow influenced this, since it was a single story in the presence of contracts and a copy for the show, which clarifies in Legislation was allowed to be issued at the box office. For new films, according to which the contracts have not yet been concluded, “pirate shows” remain outside the laws of the Russian Federation. Although there was also their own intrigue here - the fact is that the keys to Hollywood releases came to cinemas directly from Hollywood offices, including When extending the rental. Those. The cinemas themselves could not technically launch Batman themselves, so they waited for a copy of Blu-ray on the network illegally, and even with Russian voice acting from the CIS market, after which the Western studios ceased Russian-speaking dubbing in the entire region. The same time, some former license dubbing studios appeared in the arena, offering cinemas for 20-50 thousand cu "Pirate copies" of Hollywood new products with professional dubbing, promising, among other things, to provide the new film "Thor: Love and Thunder" within a week after the American premiere at the Hollywood rolling window, at least 1.5 months.
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GS News | Yandex.Zen-like practice also remains outlawed, and they are unlikely to get something more than the "screen" of the new film, by this time. Licensed copies of the picture through distributors in other countries are provided to cinemas through the same launch keys, which excludes the possibility of access to the picture from this side.
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