Actor Peter Weller glorified the role of a robocop in an old action movie, which is now considered a cult film classic.
Despite the venerable age, Peter is now actively working in the field of video games, provides his appearance, participates in the recording of MOCAP movements and voices game characters.
The fans of the Mortal Kombat series were surprised by his appearance in the 11th part of the series, but that was only a small part.
But the actor received a large gaming role in the new FPS player called Robocop: Rogue City.
In fact, this will be a free film adaptation of the films of the Robokop series with an emphasis on the original. Peter completely breathed his life into the protagonist in all aspects. This is a rather large and difficult acting party, even by the standards of video games.
The plot of a new shooter with a first -person view is unfolding in Detroit. The city was swept by a wave of crime. The rich people live normally, but in poor areas things are bad.
OCP corporation is controlled by Detroit police and introduces its development by a robot police, which will have to reveal and destroy local villains at all levels.
Robokop will have to deal with street hooligans, bandits organized by their groups, villains from among the rich and OCP robots on chicken legs from films sent to destroy the robocop.
The last game about Robocop on the consoles was released almost a couple of decades ago.
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Robocop: Rogue City Rogue City Release on PC, Xbox X/S, PlayStaiton 5, Nintendo Switch is planned for June 2023
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