The recent film "Thor: Love and Thunder" from Marvel divided the audience into those who seemed normal, and those who did not like it because of their frivolity.
The studios recalled the decreasing views of the series "Miss Marvel", an excessive number of new characters introduced into the cinema, eroding the significance of the main characters.
Suddenly, support came from the directors of the Avengers - Rousseau brothers, who do not agree that the 4th phase of the Mcu film comics leads towards the sunset of the genre.
Joe Russo noted:
Rousseau brothers can return to work in Marvel in the future. In the meantime, MCU is still very far from "sunset".
The creators really try different ideas. For example, after “Thor: Ragnaren” pleased the audience with humor, he began to prevail over everything else in the continuation of that film that not everyone appreciated positively.
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The problem of Marvel experimentation is only that they sometimes make this too giant steps when too big changes in the beloved idea for the sake of new experience breaks the whole essence of the original that many liked.
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