But this is a difficult process
Ryzen 9 7950x turned out to be a very hot processor. And although, firstly, AMD claims that it is so conceived, and secondly, the Core i9-13900K is much more voracious and hot, in general, the situation with heating can hardly be considered normal. We have already seen how removing the cover can significantly reduce heating, and now it has become clear that there is a safer, although probably a more difficult way to partially solve the problem. It is enough just to polish the lid.
The author of the Jayztwocents channel did so, using a special frame created by the well -known Derbauers overclock. It allows you to remove exactly such a layer of metal from the lid that is needed to improve cooling.
Such manipulation really helps. From 92 degrees, the temperature dropped to 85–88 degrees. True, I had to solve the problem with an uneven cooler press. Replacing thermal paste with a more effective allowed to win a few more degrees.
Of course, few people will decide on such experiments, especially since certain tools are needed for this. But at least this is one of the options.