The producer of the film "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" from Marvel, Nate Moore, said that the studio still does not have the rights to Nemor. Because of this, his performance in the picture underwent some changes.
Many years ago, the Marvel comics publishing house, being in a difficult situation, distributed the rights to their characters to film studios for films.
After the absorption by Disney, with great difficulty, the company managed to return many heroes back, including the "X -Men" and "Fantastic Four", for which I had to buy a whole Fox.
At the same time, Sony managed to keep the rights to Spider-Man and another 900 heroes of his world, which Marvel himself cannot use so far. Moreover, the characters of the Kingpin and the Spider-Woman were jointly owning companies due to the fact that the first appeared in the issue of The Amazing Spider-Man #50, and Jessica Drew worked more often with the Avengers. However, Universal still refused to return Marvel rights On Hulk and Nemor, having lost some of them due to the lack of release of new films about these heroes after the start of MCU.
As Neite Moore specified, NEMOR can be part of any team work Marvel and even appear on the posters without mentioning Universal.
However, the company is not able to make a separate solo film about him or a holka without a resolution of Universal.
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The motives of the latter are understandable: it is still waiting for the agreement "On the Separation of Products" in the spirit of Sony: the rights to the world rental of the Marvel film about a Halk or Namore with a bunch of money in addition to the resolution of Marvel to become the author of such a picture.
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