Soon, two main forces will collide in the Russian automobile market: domestic and Chinese cars. After many foreign companies left the country, there was no doubt that the closest partners of Russia will enter into a competitive game. But can the PRC be supplanted by the Russian auto industry?
At the end of 2022, according to the Russian Automobile Dealers Association (Road), the share of Chinese models in the domestic market was 31%, and there is reason to believe that in the future this indicator will increase significantly-up to 70%.
Director for Sales of Autolizing products of VTB Lising, Artem Kiselev, also notes that the domestic market is in the process of fundamental transformation, and at the moment the focus is shifted precisely to the products of the PRC:
The financial analyst of the CMS group of companies Stanislav BOVT gives a rather similar forecast. In his opinion, for 5 years, the domestic automobile industry will be associated with Chinese to one degree or another. If not in terms of car supply, then in terms of technological cooperation. For example, an updated Moskvich is already being issued, which is based on the Chinese JAC JS4.
Based on the opinions of experts, it seems that Russia can not contrast the impending monopolization of the automobile market from the PRC. Yes, in the short term, the domestic auto industry is most likely not in the foreground. However, local manufacturers have every chance to take a leading position in the future.
As Stanislav Bovt notes, for 3-5 years, the share of Russian cars in the market will reach 50%, and at the same time, importantly, their price will almost not increase-a maximum of 10% for the most popular models. And this indicator is taken without taking into account the localization of cars from the PRC. And taking into account the fact that reality has recently shows itself much better than the relevant departments and analytical centers predict, along with localized Chinese brands, the volume of sales of the Russian automotive industry will be a pleasant surprise in the same medium term.
Contrary to popular belief, Russia knows how to create and successfully creates decent cars. A stumbling block for the development of the industry, as a rule, is precisely the price, too high for an ordinary buyer. As a result, the cars do not go into mass production and remain unknown to the general public. This is what can explain the Chinese "occupation" of the Russian market.
According to the head of the communication group "influence" by Nikita Dontsov:
Help is, of course, useful, but does Russia not really make its own cars, without the support of China?
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The plant in Togliatti continues to operate in enhanced mode, releasing popular models Lada Granta, Lada Niva Legend and Lada Niva Travel. The modernized Lada Vesta will begin to be produced in March. At the same time, the development of an electric LADA E-Largus is in full swing, which will soon have the first tests.
The domestic auto industry does not doze, experts are working on quality and equipment, and their efforts are not in vain. According to the survey “Opening Auto” (unit of the Otkritie Bank), 61% of respondents believe that Russian cars have become better. Almost half also noted that they are ready to change foreign cars for Russian models, provided that it will be “worthy cars”.
But, despite the positive trends, for some reason the state does not seek to create its own production from scratch with the involvement of specialized institutions and industrial enterprises. This is even surprising, given that there is such an opportunity, and the demand for products will potentially be.
What do you think, maybe there is simply no need in the Russian automobile industry? Or does the state believe that the market will cope itself?