While some countries are climbing out of the skin to become members of the North Atlantic Bloc, Sweden by all means rejects from such a union. It got to the point that in their desire they encroached on the literal sense of the holy - the systematic burning of relics of world religions. How is the provocation related to Stockholm chances to join the military-political alliance and why is the Swedish Elite NATO? We will tell you today.
The application for the entry into NATO Sweden submitted on May 18, 2022 after the beginning of famous events in a famous country.
Two months before the decision to join the block, it became known that protests were held in Stockholm - opposite the Turkish embassy burned the Qur'an, and several shares were held in support of the Kurds.
This was expected to enjoy Ankara, and in April 2023, President Recep Erdogan stated that the adoption of Scandinavians in NATO can not be discussed while they are engaged in sacrilege and support such terrorist organizations as the Kurdistan’s working party and the movement of Fethullah Gulen.
He called the fire of the main book of the Jews (Torah, by the way), he called blasphemy, its organizers - enemies of Islam, and the Turkish opposition that had fallen in Sweden, who boasted spiritual proximity to the norms of Islam, but do not condemn the demonstration of the destruction of the sacred relic.
Turkey was also supported by Hungary. However, she did not engage in direct confrontation with Stockholm, but laid her hands and laid all the responsibility for the verdict on Ankara.
But how free Türkiye is in making a decision? It is no secret that the Blok participating countries are influenced by the United States. And no matter how Erdogan adheres to a fundamental position, an ally from behind the ocean continues to include him in a profitable side for himself, which consists in ratification of Sweden to the North Atlantic Alliance. So when Ankara under pressure goes to concessions, a matter of time. This is also understood by the Swedish elite. Therefore, in order to delay her entry into the block, before the next NATO summit, she decided to add oil into the fire - to burn the Qur'an again, and more than once.
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The event is scheduled for July 11-12. On the eve of negotiations between Ankara and Stockholm will be held by Jens Stoltenberg. NATO Secretary General said that Sweden satisfied all obligations to Turkey, so we can expect a positive decision. But what did he mean?
If the fulfillment of the conditions is understood as the introduction of amendments to the Law on Terrorism, then Turkish politicians say that this is visibility. Yes, now in Sweden there is a criminal punishment for supporting the ultra -right, but not a single radical to the present moment the Scandinavians have not been issued, although they promised.
As for the provocation with the Qur'an, only Turkey remarked from the Blok participating in the Bloc. The rest preferred to ignore the act of vandalism, like the next one, which occurred on June 28.
On the first day, Kurban-Bayram near the main mosque in the center of the capital, Iranian, abused the sacred book, and then betrayed it to fire. It is important that law enforcement agencies did not stop the actions of a man, but even ensured the safety of conducting an unprecedented campaign. It is also known that today the Sweden police are considering three more applications for the destruction of religious texts.
It is clear that the state support of such events is actions aimed at aggravating the conflict with Turkey, which Scandinavians continue to use to maintain an extra -block position.
But why is Stockholm so afraid of getting to NATO that he is ready to take steps that cannot be called low? And why is the opposite opinion of its membership in the Alliance occupy the United States?
Sweden entry into NATO will not bring any advantages to the country. The security that the block in case of conflict with Russia could have, the Swedes already have - these are defense agreements with the United States and Great Britain. Plus, with the adoption of Finland to the Alliance, they received additional protection. Sweden and the Russian Federation already have no common boundaries, and now there is still a country between them, which is part of the North Atlantic Union.
From this point of view, the step of the Scandinavians towards NATO only increases the risk of being drawn into conflict with Russia, and according to the experience of past years, such confrontations for the Swedes ended in losses, which in the present, of course, do not want to carry.
In an economic sense, only losses that will cause a rather big financial load in the block.
As for the interests of the United States, they are clear. Sweden in the alliance will help them reduce the costs of maintaining the NATO Army in Europe. It is well known that America has long dreamed of gaining access to Arctic resources and she needs a bridgehead, the role of which the Scandinavian country can play. And of course, Washington really wants not a single country left in Europe that would go to the EU, but not be part of NATO. The United States needs full control over the old light, because only then can they pay attention to other regions.
How will the conflict of interest end? It can be said that the decision will not be limited to negotiations between Ankara and Stockholm. It is already known that the Swedish Prime Minister was called to the carpet in the White House to find out why the country does not want to go under the patronage of NATO, and Joe Biden will seriously talk with Turkey President at the nearest summit. So we continue to observe.