This is the second part of our future portfolio. Here we will consider 10 dividend companies that will bring you a stable cash flow.
The first part where we considered 7 growth companies, read here.
Rosneft mines 6% of world production. At the expense of the East Oil project, the prey will still grow. Now the east is mining 15 million tons (7% of Rosneft production), and by 2030 it will be mined 100 million tons. China and India will be the main importers.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 38 rubles (div. Profitability - 8%).
๐ Lucil
Lukoil is the most effective Russian oil industry, focused on his shareholders.
In the next 12 months, dividends in the amount of 650 rubles are planned (divine profitability - 13%).
Lukoil sold his refineries in Europe, so you can count on extra-dividends.
Also, the company benefits from weakening the ruble.
The goal of Lukoil is 6000 rubles (+14%).
๐ Surgutneftegaz (pref.)
This company can be taken under high dividends against the background of the weakening of the ruble. Currently, the Surgut cube is $ 60 billion.
Upon maintaining the dollar at the level of 90 rubles, dividends for Surgut will be in the region of 12 rubles (divine profitability - 29%).
The goal of Surgut is 48 rubles (+12%).
๐ Nornikel
Norilsk Nickel is a unique company, No. 1 in the Palladium market (43%share), No. 1 in the high -grade nickel market (17%), No. 4 in the platinum market (12%), No. 5 - according to the Rodium (8%), No. 12 - by copper (2%).
From the negativity: rejection of dividend payments for 2022, reducing world prices for raw materials and increasing cap. costs.
The company has no better times, but now is a good price for entering the long -term.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 1,100 rubles (div. Profitability - 7.5%).
Alrosa controls more than 30% of the global diamond market. The company still has not resumed dividends. But soon this will happen, and the quotes will fly up.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 13 rubles (div. Profitability - 18%).
The approximate revenue of Alrosa for 5 months 205.2 billion rubles - this is the best revenue since 2019.
The company's revenue depends on the prices of diamonds. Now prices are at the bottom, that is, now a good moment to enter the paper.
Of the risks, it is worth noting new sanctions (EU) and the seizure of profit through personal income tax.
๐ Polyus
The company takes 1st place in gold reserves - 104 million ounces and has the world's largest non -combined field of gold - dry logs (reserves of 40 million ounces).
The pole has the lowest cost of gold production in the world.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 620 rubles (div. Profitability - 5.6%).
๐ Severstal
The company was badly damaged in 2022, but recently Gender Severstal said that the company has already adapted to sanctions and recovered-they promise excellent operational results in the 2nd quarter and the renewal of dividends.
Severstal has always been the most profitable Russian metallurgist. The profitability of EBITDA MMK was 22-24%, that is, you can calculate that Severstal now has profitability in the region of 30-40%.
Dividend profitability in the next 12 months can amount to about 130 rubles (divine return - 10%).
Fosagro is a fertilizer manufacturer. Stably pays dividends 4 times a year. 264 rubles (3.6%) were received for the 1st quarter, 195 rubles will be paid for the forecast for the 2nd quarter (2.7%).
The company benefits from weakening the ruble, as it is a pronounced exporter.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 800 rubles (div. Profitability - 11%).
From the negative: world prices for fertilizer are reduced, therefore, the revenue of Fosagro will decrease, so track each report of the company.
Since January, paper has grown by 70% and is still underestimated. The company beats the records for generating net profit.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 31 rubles (div. Revenue - 12.5%). At the moment, Sber has already earned 15 rubles for dividends.
The magnet increased the limit of ransom of shares from non -residents by 3 times - to almost 30%. If the company extinguishes these shares, it will be great. But you can expect various "schemes" from the management of the company.
After the magnet resumed the publication of reports, the chances of resuming dividends increased.
Forecast dividends for 12 months - 450 rubles (div. Profitability - 8%).
That's all, friends! Thank you for your attention.
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